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Emerson Arts Presents:

Artist Sustainability Initiative 

As the restrictions of the Coronavirus safely come to an end, the number of unemployed artists sits at an all-time high.  Emerson Arts has created, The Artist Sustainability Initiative. This initiative has quickly become the driving force behind Emerson Arts. Simply put, we are trying to create renewable and sustainable jobs for artists of a wide variety. Imagine, making it normal and feasible to be an entertainer or artist in this modern world and modern economy. 


Emerson Arts will create infrastructures in as many industries and faculties as possible to create these paid positions and make the arts industry more sustainable. Through networking, like-minded collaborations, and a never-say-die attitude, we are working towards realistic and ambitious goals for local performance opportunities. 


As we seek to grow our industry, we also seek to improve and enhance our local community and economy by prioritizing opportunities that also benefit local businesses.


We are looking to take your business to the next level and for you to play a positive role in helping the sustainability of Hamilton’s arts Industries. 


We are hopeful for your support and are always available to discuses or meet about any opportunity. 


Emerson Arts


Emily Bolyea and Mason Micevski

Co-Founders ~ Emerson Arts

Be the change!
Get your business involved today!  

Emily B. 905.515.5035

Mason M. 905.719.1046

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